Introducing River Inheritance: Your Bitcoin Estate Planning Tools and Services

The River Financial team is proud to bring you River Inheritance, the financial tools and  support you need to pass on your Bitcoin wealth to the next generation with confidence. River clients can now designate a beneficiary to their River account directly in their account view. River can also support clients holding Bitcoin in complex entity structures. Our Client Services team will be there with white glove service to assist your loved ones throughout the transfer process.

One of the most common questions we receive from new and existing clients is how to ensure that their loved ones can access their Bitcoin when they pass. The ability to securely transfer Bitcoin wealth upon death is a critical need that is insufficiently addressed in the Bitcoin space today. We cannot push Bitcoin forward without solutions to ensure the seamless transfer of wealth to the next generation. This is why we built River Inheritance. You and your loved ones deserve peace of mind that your Bitcoin legacy is secure.

As a Bitcoin-focused company providing financial tools and services for a new era of global finance, we believe in the importance of securely transferring Bitcoin wealth across generations. We launched River Intelligence to address the need for personal security, provide confidence in the Bitcoin transfer process, and deliver an elegant setup experience.

Set up a beneficiary plan in less than five minutes

Each state has nuanced legal statutes regarding asset transfer-on-death that we have built into the beneficiary plan setup workflow. To help ensure your wishes are executed as desired, we enable contingency plans, review your distribution percentages for accuracy, and assess the plan's overall integrity. Because we believe establishing a Bitcoin estate plan and transferring your Bitcoin wealth to your loved ones should be as easy as buying Bitcoin, beneficiary plans live seamlessly in your account information panel and menu. You can create, view, or remove a beneficiary plan whenever you want, as well as autofill beneficiary information from previous plans.

A better Bitcoin transfer-on-death process

River Inheritance beneficiary plans, also known as transfer-on-death (ToD) agreements, typically supersede wills and trusts. This reduces the likelihood of expensive and invasive legal processes such as probate. A ToD agreement also reduces the likelihood of having to sell your Bitcoin and transfer USD to your beneficiaries; we want your loved ones to receive your Bitcoin wealth in Bitcoin. We will also collect all necessary signatures as part of the beneficiary plan setup process by automatically creating a dynamic legal document securely stored with backups.

If a beneficiary plan does not meet your estate planning requirements, River supports other estate planning vehicles, including Limited Liability Companies (LLC), IRA LLCs, personal investment trust accounts, IRA Trusts, or solo 401(k)s to hold bitcoin. With River, it's even possible to onboard a trust AND name it a ToD beneficiary. Our Client Services team offers industry-leading entity support. With River, entity accounts can be onboarded within 48 hours.

White glove service across generations

Our Client Services team is here to help you with any questions throughout the beneficiary plan setup process and your Bitcoin investment journey. As part of our mission to build long-term client relationships, River's dedicated Client Services team will walk your loved ones through the transfer process and their investment experience. We will educate your beneficiaries on Bitcoin and help them confidently establish their position in Bitcoin.

Looking to the future

Adding Bitcoin estate planning tools and support to the River client experience through River Inheritance is part of our continued efforts to bring our clients the best of Bitcoin and push Bitcoin forward. We will continue to provide security and exceptional service for building and transferring generational Bitcoin wealth. To open a River account, visit our website. For existing clients looking to setup a beneficiary plan, log in here.

For any other questions, don't hesitate to reach out. We are here to help. or (888) 501-2586.