The past year was big for Bitcoin, and for River too. At six years old, we’ve come a long way, thanks to our wonderful clients, partners, team, and Bitcoin community. We will keep building on the momentum, and want to share with you what we are focusing on ahead.

We also want to say a huge thank you to the open-source Bitcoin developers. Without their tireless work, Bitcoin would not be where it is today. We recently announced a program to grant them zero-fee status on River, and we are donating another $50k to Bitcoin developer organization Brink to help continue Bitcoin’s trajectory of becoming stronger than ever.

What we are focused on

The most important thing I’ve learned while building River is that focus is critical. A talented team can get a lot done, but needs to be focused on clear, meaningful goals in order to have a consequential impact. Given that, here are the three things we’ll be focused on at River:

Our clients. Every decision we make, every feature we build, starts with providing value to you. Our clients come first and solving your needs is our highest priority.

We want to help you succeed in the long-run and we strive to do this in a way that is transparent, innovative, and delightful. This year we will be building many highly requested features to serve you as the transition to the dual-currency continues.

Our mission. At River, our mission is to build the world’s most trusted financial institution. This means we will only make decisions that allow us to sleep at night. Companies in this space have failed by taking unnecessary risks with client funds and neglecting proper security. We will never do that.

Naturally, we remain Bitcoin-only. It is the first money that allows for Proof of Reserves like we have at River, and the only cryptocurrency you can comfortably recommend to family and friends. This focus means we can dedicate our resources to building valuable features for you, without the distraction of a constant stream of new tokens.

Our team. We can only build everything above if we build and hire the best possible team. People who not only have high agency, but that are also mission and culture aligned with the rest of us.

If you’re looking for growth and want to be a part of this evolving space, we have a variety of open roles at Come join us!

Alex Leishman
River CEO and Bitcoiner